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 Business Performance coaching

Are you wanting to take your company's productivity, creativity, and morale to the next level? Then Business Performance Coaching sessions might be for you!

Yoga is proven to boost mood, reduce stress, and strengthen key areas of our brain related to memory, decision making, communication skills, problem solving, and motivation. Each of these characteristics is essential for a successful and productive business. Through specifically curated yoga classes, breathing techniques, and meditative experiences you will not only be investing long term in yourself and your employees, but your business overall. 

Tropical Leaves

Options for Practice

Research and Evidence

Please feel free to look through the articles and videos below on the benefits that yoga can have for your brain and body.


Have any questions? Reach out via my contact form or take a look at my FAQ!

Understanding Pranayama Benefits

Here is a very comprehensive article covering the various benefits of Pranayama breath practices. All research is science approved!

Other Types of Offerings


Advanced Physical Practice

Yoga is one of the best ways to incorporate physical activity with learning to be more mindful and centered.


Yoga for Relaxation

Take time to relax, so that you can think clearer, be more creative, and allow your mind to reset.



Learning to meditate is not only one of the peak goals of yoga, but a valuable skills to help calm, quiet, and center our mind. 


Yoga for Anxiety Relief

Through thoughtful movement, an emphasis on breathing practices and meditation these private yoga sessions can be tailored to your personal needs.

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